Old and New Dressage Concepts and Questions for Riders, Trainers, and Coaches


Comments and Testimonials

You have acknowledged my work…

Over the years, many of you have left me touching comments, for which I am so grateful.

Time for me to thank and acknowledge you.

For the first time, I have decided to share some of your encouraging feedback here:

You are a true inspiration, Rivkah Roth.
H. H-B, Lakefield ON/Canada, 2015

You know I’m chomping at the bit for our next lesson.
I am so amazed by the instruction you give and the instant difference it makes.
– HGF, PEI/Canada, 2022

I don’t know about you, but Rivkah Roth set the standard for me as a coach.
No one since has come close.
– V.B. Niagara Falls ON/Canada, 2017

I still miss my riding lessons with you. You opened up a whole new world of riding Dressage to me and I will never forget you for that.
– V. W., Welland ON/Canada, 2001

[translated from German] With your book “A to Z Insights” you have created a handbook that does not easily find equals. […] I hope that your book will be read by many horse-loving riding enthusiasts. In this manner, your profound knowledge will be widely spread through the English language realm.
– Christoph Hess, Training Ambassador of the German Equestrian Federation (FN), Warendorf/Germany, 2023

[translated from German] …I have received your “Kochbuch aus Zürich” […] I didn’t know that you have such a very great knowledge in this field as well.
– Wolfgang. M. Niggli, ex-chef FEI judge – Zurich/Switzerland, 2000

Your newspaper articles were quite interesting.
– Karl H. Mikolka, ex-chief rider SRS – Wadsworth IL/USA, 1983

I had hoped that you would remain within range. […]
In the meantime I shall miss your contribution to this Province.
– Robert F. Coates, AEF, Red Deer AB/Canada, 1984

Rivkah, just a quick note to say thank you for the lessons.
I appreciate your efforts to REALLY help me understand the feelings and concepts you know so well. I am absolutely elated with my lessons. […]
I know it is not enough to know how to do something, you must be able to transmit the knowledge to others to truly be valuable. Needless to say your arrival has been like an unexpected gift.
– J.H, Plant City FL/USA, 2001

Rivkah – even when you are not here with me, I still feel myself listening to your teachings – horses and other – and if I’m looking for an answer, you are answering me in my mind.
– C.B., Israel, 2001

We both owe you so much.
– I.S., Ottawa ON/Canada, 1997

I think you spoiled me […] and now I, thankfully,
cannot return to the methods that are popular here.
– Dr. J.G. DC, Adelaide/Australia, 1997

You opened my eyes so much to riding, teaching and awareness.
[…] I “replay” everything you taught me almost daily.
– V.K. Oakville ON/Canada, 1987

I found my week at [your] farm very beneficial. Thank you for sharing your skills and knowledge with me. Your inspiration and direction has given me a more insightful approach to riding and horses.
– K.W., Toronto ON/Canada, 1988

I know I have only been at [your farm] a short time. But I have seen and learned more about what I want than in the previous 3 years.
– G.B., Toronto ON/Canada, 1988

Thank you very much for all the time and effort you spent for me. […] you have given me a whole different perspective, opened my eyes to a great deal of new ideas. For this, I am eternally grateful. 
– K.W., London ON/Canada, 1986

I was telling my husband that I am ever so grateful to you for what I learned from you running [an equestrian facility] and dealing with horses, and I will try to live up to that standard.
– N.V., Alliston ON/Canada, 2004

[Rivkah’s] approach is unique, based on principles which ended in successful results for the horse and rider. Rivkah is incredibly good to take the best out of the horse and rider and put them into one successful team. I learned tremendous discipline, respect towards the sport.
Rivkah gave me not only her knowledge of quality breeding, principles of training and riding, but also a vision of what the equine industry should be in Canada. Her experience is irreplaceable and her knowledge is indisputable.
– N.McC., Orangeville ON/Canada, 2012

Rivkah, I am ssooooooooo looking forward to getting together with you.
I have had some rides where I didn’t want to dismount!  The last lesson you gave me has been replayed in my mind over and over.
– J.H., Pinellas Park FL/USA, 2002

I’m not going anywhere! I have the best trainer […] with the opportunity of a lifetime to learn it now! Or never!
– H.F., PEI/Canada, 2023

Dr. Roth treated many of my equine patients as well as many people with her osteopathic chiropractic and acupuncture techniques. […] She was able to rehabilitate animals that would otherwise [have] been lame for life. Dr. Roth also gave two-day workshops on recognizing muscle soreness, spasms and subluxations of joints, and some treatment techniques. I personally had private lessons with her to further my skills.
– Dr. J.W. DVM, NS/Canada, 2012

I first got to know Rivkah […] as a horse therapist and trainer throughout Israel bringing a whole new professional level to the equine industry in the country.
I also joined her in Switzerland treating horses of the Swiss international jumper team. Later during my veterinary studies, I reconnected with her in Canada. During these years I had many chances to see Rivkah’s great contribution to horses and riders, improving their performances and quality of life.
Rivkah’s work had a major effect in my decision to become a veterinarian and in my interest and excellent understanding of anatomy and physiology, which later allowed me to teach anatomy at the [Koret School of Veterinary Medicine/Israel].
– Dr. Y.Y. DVM, Israel, 2012

In 1998 at Noam Riding Stables in Israel, Rivkah Roth treated my 12 year old Hanoverian horse that was irregular in his stride during riding. […] She was professional and caring. That year I won the Israel Dressage Championship with that horse.
I valued her professional knowledge gained after many years of working with athlete horses in Europe, Israel, and Canada. Rivkah is a unique, professional and devoted horsewoman.
– Dr. N.S.Z. DVM, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Israel, 2012

Mrs. Roth was one of the most appreciated dressage judges in [Israel and] a highly professional horsewoman.
Training with Mrs. Roth has helped me a lot to reach the standards of the [level 3 certification] trainer’s course in Deurne/Holland. [She] is one of the most professional trainers I ever worked with. She has huge knowledge in dressage and show jumping […] improving the athletic abilities of the horse. The knowledge I got from Rivkah is still relevant and helpful to me today with my horses and students.
– Y.M., Israel, 2012

Dr. Roth attended to my competition horse at the time [1998]; after her consultation I saw significant improvements in his performance, and immediately recommended her to my coaching clients. In addition to equiopathy consults we also had Rivkah come to our stable and give clinics watching the horses and riders perform and making recommendations for their competitive success.
Over time Dr. Roth became an integral part to the competitive success of both me and my clients. I would always recommend her and valued her opinion immensely.
– J.S., Burlington ON/Canada, 2012

[From Israeli charity organization’s website] “On HaKol Chai’s behalf, Michal N. approached the Bedouins, asking if they would allow us to send someone to help them learn how to care for their horses properly. Happily, they were eager and enthusiastic about the idea. We sent Rivkah [… . She] first visited the largest of the 25 tribes in the area and, according to Michal, performed miracles.
With her respectful attitude, extensive knowledge about horses, and practical solutions to their problems, Rivkah quickly gained their confidence. Soon, the Bedouins were learning […] what they could do to keep [their horses] alive and healthy.”
– HaKol Chai, Israel, 2012

I wanted to thank you on my behalf and that of [my horse] for all the help you offered us. I am seeing a lot of improvement in his movement, and every day is a positive experience.
– M.M., Cedar Valley ON/Canada, 2005

Your work with our horses is magic!
– S.F., NS/Canada, 2005

Your positive attitude and willingness to help my horse and me is so appreciated […] and empowered me to start yet again on the path of fulfillment for both of us.
– C.C., NS/Canada, 2004

[translated from German] …after I got the equine dentist [my horse] feels much better. My poor horse must have had a lot of pain. As always, your assessment was correct!
– D.S., Zurich/Switzerland, 2000

“This Prix St. George dressage horse slated to be destroyed after several weeks of allopathic and alternative therapy at the Israel Veterinary Teaching Hospital was 40% improved after his first visit and comprehensive Equiopathy treatment by Rivkah Roth here at the [Koret] Veterinary Hospital.”
– Chief veterinarian in his records and conversation with horse owner S.H., Israel, 1998
“D” subsequently was moved to a place where Rivkah worked on him daily.
Two months later he was back under saddle and learned his 2-tempo changes, pirouettes, and Piaffe and Passage. At that point Rivkah was given the horse as a schoolmaster for her professional students.

[translated from German] …after 3 months of intensive treatment on a horse recommended to be destroyed by four different veterinarians (including the Swiss FEI veterinarian), [my horse] looks like a world champion. We have started to lunge him once again over poles.
– R.B., Rodersdorf/Switzerland, 1998

I have been trying to educate everyone who will listen as to how an ill-fitting saddle can lead to a horse interfering, as well as how much a certain Dr. Roth’s magic fingers can help a horse and educate an owner.
– G.D., NS/Canada, 2005

You still surprise me every day with your knowledge. I remember the first time I met you at HH. You were standing at the end of the barn with your back to me, I was walking [my horse] away from you to the other end of the barn. I only got a few feet when [the barn owner] told me to stop and introduced us.
Apparently you were in zoom mode even in those days, because you heard that his femur was out, and this after several vet visits trying to get diagnosis.
– J.S., NS/Canada, 2007  

You are an absolute genius!
– C.S., NS/Canada, 2023

I’ve been hearing raves over your work with horses here in N.S. for quite some time now.
– S.B., NS/Canada, 2005

I am looking forward to seeing you … again in the future – your teaching skills are great and I’m anxious to attend another lecture. Obviously this work is a passion for you.
– D. C., NB/Canada, 2004

Thank you for sharing your “gift” of time and kindness with me.
– J.R., NS/Canada, 2004

What can I say, dear master?
You are flying with the speed of horses
To another destination – again to teach.

What have you done to me?
You have left me in tact.
I’m very grateful.

Power you gave me, strength.
Strength you possess by the gallons.
What possessed you to take on such a task?

As you teach me how to control my being
I can feel you are so aware of me.
I can sense that bridging cultures is not easy.
Never will I know your depth of self-control. No!
U. G. – Uxbridge ON/CANADA, 1996